
Thank You For 500 Followers + An Apology + Q & A

Hello guys!

Yesterday my blog hit 500 WordPress followers. It was a bit of a shock as I had been relatively inactive for the past few days and didn’t expect it to happen this early. But it happened and I couldn’t be more overjoyed. I just wanted to express my gratitude to my followers, old and new, for having stuck around this random blog and hearing out this random nerdgirl.

Is this for real?!

I am beyond ecstatic, but also a bit guilty for the reason that I haven’t been prioritizing blogging as much as I used to before. It’s just that life’s been overly busy with school and homework and tests, and when I do manage to find some free time, I end up watching anime or reading books instead. I am trying my best to stay as active as I can, but my deepest apologies for my continued absence in the Blogosphere.


 anime sad crying scream tears GIF
I am extremely sorry.


Thank you for all your support and encouragement. My blog wouldn’t have lasted even half as long as this, had it not been for your constant support that has been motivating me to write and share my honest opinions.  I have and will always appreciate it.

You guys are all kinds of awesome.

On the occasion of 500 followers, I have decided to host a Q & A. The thought had been in my mind for a long time and what better opportunity to host it than this? So whatever’s in that mind of yours, go ahead and ask me in the comments below! I’d love to answer your questions. Thank you for everything!






67 thoughts on “Thank You For 500 Followers + An Apology + Q & A

  1. Very big deal!!
    Ok…so, I’ll ask a question: what’s your fave manga turned movie? Or TV show? Or vice versa? Like what fave show turned into a manga? (I’m not the most knowledgeable on this stuff).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! This is such a big deal! And it’s no problem; school is the highest priority, and when one has free time, often they need something relaxing to do. And besides, all the books and anime give you something to blog about, am I right? Anyway, congratulations once again!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay, questions: How did you start blogging? What books/anime/etc. are high on your to be read or watched list? Do you have any pets? What are some of your favorite movies? And what are some of your favorite soundtracks from TV shows, anime, or movies?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your continued support! 💙
      Haha you have a point there! I must keep reading books and watching anime. School has been a little too cruel on me for the past few days. I hope it changes soon.
      Thanks again! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on 500+ followers!!
    Hmm… questions….
    What is your favorite dessert?
    What is one thing you do that people will be surprised to find out?
    Who is your celebrity crush (if you have one)?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Jessica! I don’t know if you know it, but you were the first person to tag me in a book tag. The Blogging Book tag, if I remember correctly. So thank you so much for everything. 💙
      Those are some awesome questions. Thanks for asking. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on 500 followers! 🎉💐🌸 As always, you know I love your content and no matter what I think your 100% amazing!

    Some questions for le Q and A:

    Have you ever had a reoccurring dream, what was it?

    What anime have you watched most recently, what did you think of it?

    What anime character is most like you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Tiana! I couldn’t have accomplished this without your support. You run an even more amazing blog and I absolutely love your content! 💙
      Loved the questions! Thank you for asking. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations!! So… questions:
    – What’s your favourite type of blog post to write?
    – What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never did (for whatever reason)?
    – What would be your dream job?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS! You deserve them all and sooo much more! 😀 Hmmm…I’m really not good at the Q & A questions. D: How about:
    1. Your top 3 favorites things (anime, manga, Disney princess, books!!, etc.) of the moment?
    2. What three books are you most excited for this year?

    I don’t know. I fail. XD But wonderful post and congrats again!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It all couldn’t have been possible without your constant support, Mandy! I really appreciate it. 💙
      Those are some awesome questions. You’re wrong, you absolutely excel at the Q&A questions! 😊😁


  7. Hey great job! I really enjoy reading your blog and the achievement is well deserved! Also, don’t feel bad that you’re taking time off for reading books and watching anime, it’s ok to take a break when you get back with great material!
    If you could bring one fictional character to life to spend time with, who would you choose?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Auri! It means a lot. 😊 I really like reading your blog too. You’ve got some great content. 💙
      Haha can’t argue with that. This really helped. 😄
      That’s an excellent question. Thanks for asking. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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