
Blog Update – MIA For A Few Days

Hello everyone!

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been very active in the Blogosphere lately. I have my exams going on and being the huge procrastinator that I am, didn’t schedule any posts in advance. I am trying to schedule a few posts in between now, so hopefully the blog may not remain inactive. The posts will just be the usual tags and nominations, but I do have some new post ideas that I will implement after the exams.

I just wanted to inform that I won’t be as active in the Blogosphere for a week at least, so if I don’t respond to any nomination or tag or don’t check out your blogs in general, know that I probably have my head horribly stuck inside a textbook (which is not fun at all) and that I will respond to it as soon as I can. I’ll try checking my notifications once a day (or more) so hopefully I’ll be responsive. I won’t be able to catch up on other blogs, sadly, so I apologize in advance.

anime sad crying scream tears
I’m sorry!


That’s all, guys. Hope you all are having a great day free from the torturous stress of examinations.


20 thoughts on “Blog Update – MIA For A Few Days

  1. I definitely feel you on this. School has been creeping up on me in the form of midterms, projects, and late night organization conferences lol. Been so busy lately. Hope your exams go over/have gone over well! 😀

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