
Top 5 Fictional Book Worlds

Hey everyone!

Fictional worlds are the best place to go to when the reality of life is crushing you hard. There is nothing quite as beautiful and awe inspiring as these worlds.So, today i’m counting down my top five fictional worlds in books. Let’s go!


5. Narnia – Chronicles of Narnia

Who wouldn’t want to live in the beautiful world of Narnia filled with fantastical creatures and scenic beauty.  I just wish my wardrobe would stop messing with me and transport me to Narnia already!


4. Camp Half-blood – Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Percy Jackson was my first proper novel and I was totally mesmerised with uncle Rick’s world of Greek Gods and Demigods.  I firmly believe that Camp Half Blood is real and I WILL find it!



3. Westeros – A Song of Ice and Fire

I have yet to read all the novels of this series,  but the world of Westeros is a true masterpiece. So realistic and yet totally unique. ‘Epic’ is the word that best describes it.


2. Middle Earth – Lord Of The Rings

A beautiful world. It’s hard to believe it’s fictional, when there is an entire appendix featuring the history and culture of this world along with a proper Elvish language. Truly, it is a surreal world filled with friendly Hobbits, majestic Elves, powerful Wizards and brave Dwarfs. Not to mention its breathtaking beauty.


1. Hogwarts – Harry Potter

I’m sixteen and still waiting for my letter to Hogwarts(aren’t we all?).  This is the world closest to my heart but Middle Earth is a close second.  This world is magical , exciting, mysterious and enchanting. Who doesn’t love wizards and spells and everything magical?


Hope you liked this list! What are some of your favourite fictional worlds?

14 thoughts on “Top 5 Fictional Book Worlds

  1. You’re my new favorite person.!! all those are excellent reads.. A Tale of Ice and Fire would have been my first… Followed closely by Narnia then Harry Potter. Loved them!! Still do!

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