Bookish talk · Books

Why I Stopped Reading The Throne Of Glass Series

Hello guys! Today I wanted to talk about my views on the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas and why I put the entire series on hold. If you’ve been following my blog, you would know that I have a love/hate relationship with this series and with Sarah J maas as an author. You would also be aware of my love for the ACOTAR series.

ACOTAR has a slow start but ACOMAF absolutely blew me away. I was hoping for a similar experience with TOG and I was immensely satisfied with the first part. I finished the book in three days and had a lot of fun reading it. On first impression, Throne Of Glass seemed to be focused for a younger audience than ACOTAR, and yet I liked it better than ACOTAR. Then Crown Of Midnight happened and despite its issues, I still found myself to be liking it, albeit lesser than the first part. To me, the series only started going downhill with every sequel. Here’s why.

Contains spoilers till Queen Of Shadows!



The foundation set by the first book was arguably very different from how the story turned out to be. I know Sarah J Maas is very unpredictable that way, but this one just didn’t fit. The story started off as a tale about an assassin, who possesses some mysterious magic and has a destiny to fulfill. It ended up being so much more. It became complex and twisty. The first book was very simple but by the third book, everything had become so complicated and well..different. Now you must be thinking – what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that considered a good thing? While I would have appreciated all the new layers added to the story, my first impression prevented me from doing so. The first impression was decieving. The story digressed. It was like a mix of Game Of Thrones and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Trying to catch up on all the twists like.



What’s that? The protagonist? Well, yes. Celaena Sardothien isn’t a very likable character. Let me rephrase – She’s extremely hard not to like. I wanted to like her. I really did. I’m the kind of person who can be indifferent to the protagonists of the story, but never hate them. Not until Celaena came by. Or should I say Aelin, because Celaena was a thousand times better when compared to Aelin. The character development is a bit too far fetched, but I’ll cover that later. Now, Celaena was a good enough character in the first book (I can’t help but compare everything to the first book). She is vain, conceited. One of the most arrogant characters I’ve come across in a book. And since most of the story progresses from her perspective, It becomes a bit hard to like it. I found her to be very unreasonable and downright unfair at times.

Aelin really got on my nerves.

That’s not all, though. She is shown to be extremely skilled and badass, so much so that she always wins. She never loses at all. The people around her will die horribly and get tortured (poor Dorian!), but somehow that never happens to Celaena. Which adds to her already swelled up demeanor. She’s strong but hey, you gotta lose once a while.

Also, almost every guy she meets falls in love with her. That didn’t seem realistic to me. Not to mention she makes a point to break their hearts too. That’s unfair.



The events of the series led to some very brutal changes, and with them came the character developments. They became so different from their original personalities. One simply does not become a different person by changing their name. But Aelin here did. One moment she was this sick assassin with a hollow soul, and the other moment she became this lost queen with conviction and vengeance. Not to mention, how everyone now just wants to kiss her feet and sing her songs.

It was a particular form of torture.

Chaol and Celaena had a great thing going on. But then suddenly they both hate each other and are nothing more than reluctant allies. How did that come to be? Chaol started off as this honourable man who believed in Celaena, and now all he wants is to get rid of her. I just wasn’t able to stand their constant bickering in Queen Of Shadows. I shipped them, and seeing them hate each other was breaking my heart. And Dorian. What happened to him is abolutely unforgivable. He didn’t deserve any of it. It broke my heart what happened with/between the characters.

Maas did a good enough job with the characters, and even though her sudden introduction of new POVs and characters made the story hard to follow, I’ll have to admit the characters were intriguing. The way she lead those characters, however, was simply annoying.




In a nutshell, the story & the characters both ended up disappointing me, and the things I earlier rooted for became nothing more than dust and ashes. I wasn’t able to get through Queen Of Shadows. The only reason I was able to get as far as Queen Of Shadows was because of Maas’s captivating storytelling. I’ll give her that. But I wasn’t able to read more than two pages of Queen Of Shadows at a time. It was putting me into a reading slump. And that’s when I finally decided to put the series on hold, and pick it up later. Preferably when the entire series is finished so I won’t have to wait for the cliffhangers. So these were a few of the reasons why I stopped reading TOG.


I feel much better now.


Do you agree with me? Disagree?  What did you think of the series?  Share your opinions in the comments.



39 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Reading The Throne Of Glass Series

  1. I’ve only read the first book, and like you I liked it a lot. But at the same time, there wasn’t something big enough to draw me into the story fully, even though it was an enjoyable read. I wound up hopping to reading another series and enjoyed it a lot better, and really with ToG the characters are the only driving force for me to want to continue. If the three main characters start to dislike each other in later books, idk if I want to read it though! I love Celaena personally as a MC but I can see why she’d get annoying, and hearing she randomly changes in later books makes me want to steer clear of it until the series is done.

    I’ve read a few spoilers for later books that also made me not want to read on so we’ll see if I continue lol.

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    1. I too wasn’t that invested in the story in the first book, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. There are some very rapid changes in both the story as well as the characters and it annoyed me to the point that I had to stop reading it. It wasn’t good for my heart lol. This is kind of series that you’ll either love or hate, there’s no in between. I guess you could give it a try still. It’s not horrible, just too over the top. 🙂
      Thanks for reading.

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  2. I think your points are very interesting. As I have read through Empire of Storms, I tend to disagree, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valid through where you have read. One thing I would say is that Aelin is still a young girl, so to me going through a few love interests that didn’t quite fit who she was (Sam, Dorian, Chaol) made sense… and also about her changing so much when she changes her name… I saw that more as becoming who she was all along. She had repressed so many memories of her childhood and been trained by a sadistic assassin as a child. I felt like that tends to warp someone. After all of her revelations in HoF, this made sense. She was a different person. Definitely this it is valid to wait until the Chaol novel and the final novel are out though, EoS has a brutal cliffhanger 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand why she would have so many love interests, but I just didn’t like how she broke their hearts one by one. She had been too unreasonable to Chaol. And what happened between them in Crown of Midnight and later really shattered my heart. However, that would only be an issue for the shippers lol. Also, everyone she liked liked her back. That isn’t very realistic, I guess.
      Anyway, I’m happy to hear that all the things are eventually justified in the latter parts, this gave me motivation to continue.😊
      Sarah J Maas does have a knack for cliffhangers, doesn’t she? 😁
      Thank you for sharing! 😊

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  3. I haven’t read any of her books. I do have ACOTAR and I’m still not sure if I’m going to read it or not. I haven’t read Throne of Glass and I don’t have any interest in reading them.

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    1. Sarah J Maas is fantastic when it comes to storytelling. There’s just something about her writing style that is so captivating and makes you want to keep reading. You can probably try the ACOTAR series. TOG turned out to be a bit of a disappointment.

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  4. Oh my goodness Ava, you spoke to my soul here. I felt like I was the only one who couldn’t understand what the heck was happening with these characters that I’d loved. I actually liked Celeana. Despite everything she went through she was sure of her worth. I could root for her because she wasn’t your usual female heroine, but as arrogant and capable as any male character. I applauded that. I LOVED Chaol, with every fiber of my being. And hearing Celaena think that he felt like home was the clincher to me. Those are ‘end game’ words. Having that completely flipped felt like the author chose to betray the reader for the sake of taking the series in a direction different from the one she originally envisioned. It’s her right, of course. It just ruined everything that I did like about the first two books, and couldn’t find any drive to continue further. Knowing that they go on to hate each other, it just makes me glad I chose to stop.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s exactly what went through my mind too! It was so unfair to the reader and the people who’d come to ship them. I’m so sad that it ended that way and I wish it could have been different. While I am still curious to know how it’ll all conclude, it is hard to get through the books. If Chaol and Celaena weren’t intended to get together, then there was no point to any of the romance that happened between them other than to depress the shippers. She should just have written them as friends. Why raise our hopes only for them to be crushed horribly?


      1. I would MUCH preferred them to have become best friends, if it was going to end in such a blazing disaster! At least it should have been like Dorian in that she didn’t trip those keywords I’ve come to trust. (And maybe it sounds like whining, but I did feel like I’d been sucker-punched and not in the good way.) It also didn’t help that I never really understood (after she’d come to her senses from the grief) where all the anger came from. I mean, would knowing have made Celaena have left Chaol to die??? How would it have changed the outcome? Maybe that’s another reason I was upset. I didn’t believe it.

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      2. Exactly! Her rage was never justified. She was so unreasonable to Chaol. Poor Chaol! And now she’s found herself a new lover. And the author’s excuse – she’s Aelin now and not Celaena and Celaena loved Chaol. It’s only the name that has changed. It looked like true love. It really did.


      3. No way, see that just enrages me even more. A name change doesn’t make you stop being the person you were. It’s such BS. She should have just ended the series and started over with a new one, since it sounds like that’s what she did anyway.

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    2. Exactly! Those two were endgame right there and suddenly, Maas got tired of it or something and decided “to hell with it”. What? Are you serious? It didn’t even make sense the way she did it. It was very obvious that she was making it up as she went along.
      Chaol will forever be the best character in that series and it’s awful what’s been done to him </3

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      1. Gosh yes! Yes yes yes, he was the best character and basically butchered him to change a story. And I know she started it when she was much younger and her vision changed, but it just feels really dishonest.


  5. SPEAK IT! PREACH IT! I LOVE THIS! This series started off in a great way for me, despite having a hard time relating to Celaena because she was so vain and skilled beyond compare. But I did like her waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than I like Aelin. Aelin =”I’m queen I can do whatever I want blah blah blah…” *rolls eyes* The fact that e v e r y o n e has to adore her is aggravating and lets not get started on ship wars because I will literally burst! Suffice to say…Rowan Whitehorn = Ew. Rowaelin = Ew x 10000000 I only stick with this series for the side characters. Dorian is a doll, I wish Sorscha had lived because they were the best ship. I sunk with Chaolaena but I stick around for my husband, Chaol Westfall and will stand by him through everything! I also really enjoy Manon and cannot wait to see where she goes. I’m only reading this series for them tbh. I have to endure EoS unfortunately so I can read Chaol’s novel…but I’ll only do it for him and the others. Otherwise, the stories are action packed, it’s just the direction of characters is unpleasant and insufferable. End of rant…. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! You are so right! Throne of Glass and even COM were pretty good. Heir of Fire was kind of bearable but I just cannot with Queen of Shadows! Aelin is so much worse than Celaena. I cannot stand her. Even I am only sticking around for the side characters and also because I’m curious to know how it will all conclude. I never really liked Rowan, but it was obvious that Maas wants Aelin to end up with him. It’s funny how I love Rhysand but hate Rowan. Argh.. this series could have been so much better!
      Thank you! Always happy to know that I’m not alone. 🙂

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  6. YES YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES! I agree with everything you said.
    Admittedly, I loved the first 3 books – even when Aelin went off to that other land to get help and didn’t get any help, yeah, her character in a nutshell. But in Queen of Shadows she started pissing me off and in Empire of Storms I downright HATED her.
    Seriously, Aelin is one of the worst characters I have ever read. She is so conceited, vain, arrogant, and just expects everything to fall in line for her. I read a great review of EoS where the reviewer said that Aelin’s idea of being a Queen is bossing people around and threatening to kill people. And it’s so true. Ugh, she’s so irritating.
    I was also confused by the plot. It changed between books without warning. I normally wouldn’t have a problem with that, but to me, it feels like Maas literally had no idea where she was taking her story and just wrote without a cemented idea of the plot or the ending. Unlike in ACOTAR, where it is clear she knows exactly what she is doing which is why the plot is amazing and the writing on point.
    I’m going to read the last book in the series, only because I have made it this far. But I can already tell I’m not going to like it based on EoS.
    I know you haven’t read EoS, but the ending was essentially the same as ACOMAF. Seriously, I’m not kidding – the ending was the same. I guess that is bound to happen when both of your series are about faeries and mates – almost no discernible differences between the faeries in TOG and ACOTAR. Shoddy work on the author’s part.

    Great post!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally agree with everything you said here! I’m glad I’m not alone.
      The first three books were bearable, but the series was only going downhill. So much potential being wasted.
      You are so right! Even I felt that the author didn’t have a solid idea of where she was taking the story, it started off as something so simple and now it’s become so twisted and tangled and not to mention confusing. And Aelin.. Ugh. I can write an entire rant about Aelin! She is one of the major reasons why I couldn’t get through QoS. The other POVS were interesting, but Aelin’s just consisted of her bossing around and humiliating others.
      Well that’s a shame. It’s never good to have two different stories set in different worlds to have a similar ending. I felt that Maas actually improved her storyline and writing in ACOTAR series, probably because it came afterwards and she knew what she was doing this time. I have heard that EoS has a lot of twists and turns, so much so that it becomes kind of confusing for the reader. Anyway, I will pick up this series later. Curiosity has gotten the better of me. But I’ll have to get through QoS and Aelin first lol.
      Thank you for reading! I appreciate your thoughts. 🙂


  7. Couldn’t have said it better, Ava! You talked about my exact issues with the series and why it gets harder and harder to try and pick up Empire of Storms. I just don’t have the energy anymore. To go through a book that constantly bashes your favorite characters, OTPs and continues to disappoint in every way possible is just exhausting.
    Celaena and Chaol were an amazing pairing. They understood and respected each other. It was never about lust. It was true love. Then Maas decided she preferred Rowan so she did everything in her power for fans to hate Chaol and root for the new pairing instead. She changed his personality completely, made him do things that were completely out of character, and just generally created problems where there weren’t any. How was it Chaol’s fault that Nehemia died? Since when did he stop caring about Celaena because of her new powers? The old Chaol would never have done that. It was just a plot device to drive them apart and it made no freaking sense.
    Also something that doesn’t make sense is the change in personality just because you’ve changed your name. So what, you’re a princess. That doesn’t change who you are as a person. What you feel and how you think. You adapt, sure, but you don’t get a 180 all of a sudden.
    About Dorian. If you were upset about what happened to him in Heir of Fire, you should really read Queen of Shadows and find out what happens next.
    Sigh. This series is just a mess at the moment. I’m gonna go read some fanfiction now to mend my broken heart 😥
    Thank you for this post, Ava, it was everything I would have loved to hear and more! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much Sophie!
      I totally agree with everything you wrote here. The fact that everything between Celaena and Chaol only becomes worse later makes me not want to continue the series all the more. You cannot just change ships between the series like that. I can’t believe the author would do that! Everyone cannot undergo such immense changes in character for no clear reason. It really makes me so sad. I never quite liked Rowan and no matter what I will always still ship Chaol and Celaena. This series could have turned out so much more differently.
      I still cannot get over what happened with Dorrian. Guess, I will have to complete QoS soon then. I hope Maas doesn’t make it worse for him too.
      Fanfiction would be the perfect remedy to get over the screw ups of this series. I shall read some myself.
      Thank you so much Sophie. I’m just glad that more people were able to resonate with my feelings here. 🙂


      1. I definitely see a lot more people coming out and expressing their disagreement with what’s been happening with the series lately and that is very comforting 🙂
        I was starting to think I was the only one who didn’t like it!

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  8. I was actually really underwhelmed by the first book, but only because my expectations were set really high from all the hype I’d heard around it. If I had just read the book without any prejudgements, I might have really enjoyed it! The second book, however, was far more interesting, in my opinion 😀 I really don’t like the way he treated Chaol, as I thought it was a bit overdramatic and unwarranted, but I guess i have to see what she does next. Haven’t read the third book just yet but I’ve heard that her personality takes a complete turn as she changes from Celaena to Aelin, which might bother me quite a bit once I get around to it. And while it bothers me that a character doesn’t know how to stick to one love interest, it’s understandable that she goes through several lovers. She’s young, so I suppose her tastes and romantic desires would change over time as she’s finding her true self. Although, not sure how I’ll really feel about it in the end haha. But I think you make some really valid points 😀 Hopefully, I can get to the end of this series and it’s worth it in the end LOL

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    1. The first book follows a very simple story and doesn’t have a lot to offer. But I still enjoyed reading it. The story gets more and more complex as the series progresses to the point where everything just becomes messy and entangled. But that’s just my opinion of course. 😁 The Chaol Celaena problem only affects the hard-core shippers I guess lol. And as for lovers, I don’t have a problem with multiple lovers so much as with the fact that everyone seemed to love her back.
      Nonetheless, this series certainly has mixed reviews haha. I do hope you get to the end. I would love to know your thoughts on it. 😊
      And thank you! 💙

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      1. I think I originally gave the first book 4 stars because I just enjoyed it for what it was, but after rereading it, I was more focused on other aspects that brought the grade down haha. Didn’t have that problem with the 2nd book, though, and hopefully I’ll love the 3rd book, too. And I’ve heard from a lot of people that the story gets a little too messy for its own good. I’ve even heard the 5th book is too much like ACOMAF? But not sure if that’s true. And that’s a good point! Why DO all love interests have to love the protagonist in return? Not very realistic if you ask me… Thank you! Looking forward to seeing how this story goes! ❤

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      2. I gave it 4 stars too! Never got the time to reread it, but enjoyed it as a LIGHT book (can you believe?). The story added more and more layers later and while I shouldn’t have a problem with that, I somehow did. I’ve heard that too! Guess the author ran out of plots. I do hope the latter parts are better, though. And I hope I enjoy them as well.
        Exactly my point! That was what bothered me.
        No problem! As much as this book has messed my feels, my curiosity has made me want to pick it up again. We shall see, haha. 💙

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      3. LOL, I enjoyed it as a LIGHT book too haha. That’s when you know you’re a bookworm haha.
        Oh yay! I do hope you pick it up again, if only to see how Maas works out the ending. I have more faith in her after ACOMAF 😀

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  9. Ugh, I have mixed feelings about the Throne of Glass series. I did not like the first two books, and now I’m reading the third, Heir of Fire, and I’ve heard that it gets better from the third book on. But my opinion about the series is already pretty suckish, I don’t really have the motivation to read it anymore. I did not like Celaena, I felt her personality as a character kept changing and it didn’t line up most of the time and her love life is waaay to confusing and changes waaay to much. It’s like, make up your mind already!

    On the other hand, ACOTAR was fabulous! And I totally agree ACOMAF was sooo gooood! I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for ACOWAR and can’t wait to get my hands on it!

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    1. I agree with you! Similar things went through me while reading the ToG series. I never expected that it would be an issue for so many people! I’m happy I’m not alone in that haha.
      I lost motivation during Queen of Shadows, I just wasn’t able to get through the book at all. And I agree with you about her love life. It’s so annoying!
      Same. I just cannot wait to read ACOWAR. Maas did a very good job with the ACOTAR series and I do hope ACOWAR exceeds our expectations. Thank you for reading, Eileen! I appreciate your thoughts. 😊

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