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The Sims Book Tag

Jessica @ The Awkward Book Blogger tagged me a long time ago in this sims related book tag. Thanks Jessica and I’m so sorry for getting around this so late.

I have never played the sims before, so I don’t know much about them but this tag looks interesting nonetheless. Let’s begin!


The Original Sims – the best author debut

Image result for harry potter and the philosopher's stone

Harry Potter. Without a doubt.


The Grim Reaper – saddest character death

Dumbledore. I cried a river when he died.


Sims Getting Stuck – a character that just got in the way

Image result for lord of the rings book

Gollum. He literally only got in the way.


Simlish – a book with amazing writing

Image result for six of crows book

Six Of Crows. I love the dialogues of this book. It was just like watching a fantastic movie.

Expansion Packs – a series where the books keep on getting better

Image result for a court of thorns and roses series

A Court Of Thorns and Roses. The first book was good, the second was greater and I can’t wait for the third.


Sim Romance – the worse case of insta-love

All of them. I have to agree with Jessica. No-no to insta-love.


Cheats – a book that was entirely unrealistic

Image result for the host book

The Host. The entire concept of this book was highly unrealistic and perplexing.


Needs Fulfillment – a character who made all the wrong decisions

Image result for daughter of smoke and bone

Akiwa made some really wrong decisions. And he faced the consequences and proved himself to be an amazing character.


Error Code 12 – a series that started off great but went downhill from there

Image result for throne of glass series

Throne Of Glass series. I think I’ve already been very thorough with mmy feelings regarding this series.


The Sims Vortex – a book/series that completely engrossed you

Image result for six of crows book

Six Of Crows. I love loved it and can’t wait to talk about it!





Thanks again, Jessica!



28 thoughts on “The Sims Book Tag

  1. Oh I love the Sims! So this tag was so much fun to read!
    I totally agree with you on ToG… So, so disappointing! I honestly don’t know if it can be redeemed or not.
    Daughter of Smoke and Bone sounds interesting! I love characters that mess up, to be honest. Makes them feel real and relatable, unlike the ones that always seem to know everything and never make a wrong move.
    Great answers, Ava! ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sophie! 💙
      I’m glad that I’ve put it in hold for the moment. I hope the last part makes up for all the screw ups.
      Daughter of Smoke and Bone is a great book. I love Laini Taylor’s writing. Yes, I agree!
      Thanks again, Sophie! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, Mandy! I’m so happy that you liked ACOMAF! 💙
      I read your review for ACOTAR and honestly I agreed with a lot of your points. But ACOMAF makes up for everything, doesn’t it?
      Thanks so much, Mandy!! 😊


  2. Thanks so much for the tag Ava! I absolutely love the Sims so I’m really excited to do this one 😀 Also, I’m so glad you loved Six of Crows! One of my favorite YAs of all time. And I definitely agree that the ACOTAR series is getting better. I have high hopes that the third book will be just as good or even better than ACOMAF! Fingers crossed 😉 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Azia! The fact that you love the sims makes this even better!
      I absolutely loved that book and it has earned a spot on my favourites as well. 💙
      Can’t wait for ACOWAR!
      Thanks a lot! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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